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你们好。 万千言语不能诉尽我对全体家长,老师,及校务人员的感谢。 没有你们的辛劳,威斯伍中文学校无以顺利成立。 谈起为何创办中文学校,不能不提到这些年影响我深远的英国著名历史学家汤恩比对历史独到的见解。 他早已预言:「以中华文化为主的东方文化和西方文化的相结合,将是人类最美好和永恒的文化。」 ,「… 二十一世纪是中国人的世纪。」等等。 而甫踏入二十一世纪的今天,全世界对学习中文的需求已日益增加。 办一所高质量的中文学校,让我们的下一代有能力承接起传播中华文化的重责大任, 是我们共同的心愿。欢迎所有家长加入我们的行列。

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Words cannot describe how much I appreciate all of our parents, teachers, and our school staff. Without your hard work, Westwood Chinese School could not have been established this successfully. With Chinese becoming so widespread, by starting at an early age, our children can excel as adults in the increasingly global community. The demand to learn Chinese raises exponentially each year, and we strive to have a high quality Chinese school so that our children can undertake the great responsibility of disseminating Chinese culture, as well as thrive in their future occupations. We welcome everyone to join us in our mission.

Principal: Jieping Li